Banana Bread or Books?

Way back in May 2020., when I wrote a blog post with the title, Literary Lockdown, I never thought we’d still be in the same position months later and now into a new year.

The beautiful campus of University of Stirling

I’m very lucky to live in the countryside where I’ve got lovely local walks literally on my doorstep. Getting outside to appreciate nature has kept me sane. During a short respite from restrictions, I went on a guided nature walk around the campus of Stirling university last autumn.

On the walk, the ranger showed the group a recently released book, Every Day Nature by Andy Beer, that she recommended for nature lovers. I dropped heavy hints before Christmas, but Santa didn’t deliver it.

So, I ended up treating myself with Christmas money (thanks Mum!). It’s a beautiful book with gorgeous watercolour illustrations and it offers a daily dose of inspiration to help you notice seasonal changes and enjoy nature. I love the casual conversational tone of the book, “It is not the kind of nature that is restricted to nature reserves or remote places. Instead it is deliberately about things you will find in a garden, a park, a hedgerow or a road verge”. I’m looking forward to this wee gem of a book keeping me company throughout 2021.


Many folk took the time during lockdown to clear out and declutter their homes. I’ve always been tidy so this wasn’t on my ‘to do’ list but I did decide to reorder my book shelves.

Many years ago, as a student, I worked part-time in a library. The Dewey Decimal system is my default when arranging books and I’ve always liked things in alphabetical order.

But I’m also a very visual person and with the rainbow being the symbol of lockdown I fancied rearranging my books by colour. Initially, I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to live with the effect but I’ve got used to it now and will leave them like that for the time being. I also made a commitment to stick to a ‘one in, one out’ policy.

My two fiction bookshelves are full and although I generally buy a book a week, I’m not going to buy more shelves.

My hope is that they find a good home and maybe provide a much-needed distraction during tough times. You can buy official book fairy stickers like I have or simply use a Post-It note and a ribbon if you have one. I always seal the books inside a poly pocket in case of rain, well I do live in Scotland!



What’s got you through lockdown? Baking banana bread or books?


5 thoughts on “Banana Bread or Books?

  1. Both, although other cakes were made! Your guided nature walk sounds a lovely. I must see if there’s anything like that around here once restrictions are lifted. I also love the book fairy idea. I’ve had some lovely exchanges (socially distanced, of course) as a result of leaving a book box outside my door in the summer for people to take what they want. I’ll be ressurecting that when the weather changes

    • That’s a great idea of leaving the book outside your front door. We don’t get a lot of footfall going past our cottage but maybe in the summer when more folk are out and about I’ll try that too.

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